Our Story

The 2019 Health Ruby, Safety Diamond, and Environmental Emerald Awards are the most prestigious opportunity to showcase your EHS achievements across the Saint-Gobain global network. This year there are 15 awards : 5 Health & Wellbeing Ruby's, 5 Health & Safety Diamonds and 5 Environmental Emeralds, available to all Saint-Gobain businesses globally.

The award applications received will be reviewed and shortlisted by a UK & Ireland panel for on-site verification before being finalised and sent to the Saint-Gobain group for final adjudication and selection of winners by a Jury of internal & external experts.


The reason I first got involved in the panel was because I had just joined the business and it was not forthcoming in applying for any EHS awards, so I decided that my first task in PAM was to raise the profile of EHS by showing some potential benefits and recognition for some of the good work that was being done.

I had been privileged to receive an Emerald Award in the past, but didn’t know really what the criteria was or how it was decided upon. When the opportunity came along I thought it would be a great chance to see what was needed and what the competition was like around the UK & Ireland businesses.

On joining the panel, I have found it to be a professional, structured and organised approach along with providing further opportunities to widen my network. It also gave me the chance to see some really good practices that could be of use in my business and a chance for me to pass on any good practices from my experience.

Some of the benefits I've had from it so far have been to visit parts of the business that otherwise I would never have seen, aside from the networking aspect and with the company mobility opportunities it was also an ideal chance to look for potential opportunities should they arise.

Volunteering for the panel has been rewarding, and interesting part of my career with Saint-Gobain, I have had the privilege of seeing my colleagues and different sites and brands develop and grow on their various journeys.

The panel is balanced, between a professional approach to the organisation and management of the process of getting applications in and managing them through the review and selection phases, but informal enough that those involved, the new members on the panel, and the sites being visited feel comfortable and assured that we are genuinely interested in the story they have to tell and the changes they have made in their situation

It is a great way to meet the broader EHS community across the delegations varying brands, work with people you will have never met before, and go and see some fascinating people, sites and learn about the breadth of activities Saint-Gobain Colleagues are involved with up and down the country.

Having seen what's happening out in the world, it is a great opportunity to bring fresh perspectives back to your business and spark ideas for where you may want to take your site, your brand, and or your career.

Saint-Gobain Award Recipients

UK & Ireland Sapphire Award Recipients

Why Apply

The Health & Wellbeing Ruby, Health & Safety Diamond, and Environmental Stewardship Emerald are the most prestigious Awards in the Group calendar, being a part of them will benefit you and your team.

Your Application